Sunday, August 19, 2007

Imagine What God Will Do...

I had to pass on this link to our church website so that you could see the commercial our kids were in. Be sure to watch all the way to the end after all of the text. Caleb is pretty cute at the makes up for all of the trouble he causes us! As my friend, Lynn always says, "There's a reason why God made them so cute"!

Please send me a comment if you are reading our blog. I like to know if my time is being spent wisely. If people are really enjoying it, I will keep posting regualarly. To post a comment, just click on the word "comment" below any of my posts and it will take you to a screen with a text box for you to comment in.



1 comment:

Amy said...

I can't believe how much Emma is growing. I love the commercial. Great blog, Gina!
The Hood's